Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just a few words...

You know, people tell us that we should live a good life, and live as good people. But what is "good"?

Is it that we always say please and thank you and leave the toilet seat down, or that we don’t commit murder or rape someone.

What defines a person as a good person?

A friend of mine said that a good individual is a person that goes out of their own way to help others

They then went on to ask me, "If you saw someone sitting down looking obviously upset, would you go up to them and try to help?" I thought about it for sometime. I didn't answer them, but it got me thinking.

A situation like this can go two ways.

1] You go up to the person and ask them "Are they are okay." and in more cases than some they will look up at you and say "do I look like I’m okay." conversation (if that even counts as a conversation...) ends there.

We have all experienced this kind response from others and this deters us from trying again.

But then there is the rare chance where the situation can go in a different direction.

There are people that are just waiting for someone to come along and ask them if they are okay, and to stop and take notice of them (as this is obviously one of the things that they are lacking in their life).

When you do meet someone like that, you can change their entire life by just a few words.

But when the time comes will we be "good person" and try...

Because after numerous rejection there will come a time where we are needed, but will we be there...

From a deranged lunatic...
... I bid you farewell