Friday, October 30, 2009

social networking

generation y is so tech savvy and dependent on technology that the majority of our time and communication is spent on our computers or mobile phones.

We get home from school and then we turn on our computer.
We update our facebook status.
We comment on other poeple's facebook status'.
We update our myspace page.
We update our bebo page.
We tweet on twitter.
We reply to other people's tweets.
We update our blog.
We read and comment on other people's blogs.
We log into msn.
We log into skype.
We log into ventrilo.
We read our text messages.
We reply to our text messages.

we do so much that gives insight to our lives and yet there is little face to face communication. there is the odd voice conversation via skype or phone but that's it.

there is little that we do with other people without the technological middleman and i think that is one of the downsides of our generation.

from a deranged lunatic...
i bid thee farewell...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

boasting rights

you know how we all have our own little thing that we're good at. that thing that we are better at than everybody else. that thing that gives us that secret joy from beating other people. that thing that we can feel comfortable doing because we know that we are good at it so we wont fail.

for me that used to be sports. I felt comfortable with the fact that i am quite proficient in sports, and not to sound high on my-self, i feel that i am better than most. That was until i crossed paths with ten pin bowling.

for several weeks now my youth group has our fortnightly bowling tournament. I am currently not doing to bad, but i am not to exceedingly well in contrast to my level of skill in other sports.

this was my niche. my thing that i was supposed to be able to do better than everybody else because without it there isn't much else i can do. (i mean yeah, i am quite a sharp shooter, but how am i supposed to show that skill off. also it's not like people look in awe at people who can handle machines that kill people proficiently.)

and what's even worse is that my older brother is beating me!!!

i mean he is already really smart, sporting ability is all i have left.

the good about it now is that I'M GETTING BETTER.

tonight i scored a 96. i know for some people that a low score. triple digits would have sounded better (along with the reverse in of the number, but that's just me being immature) but hey, Ill take what i can get. to me a 96 is great! and it also won me a free mcflurry form my youth leader for getting the highest score in my lane.


from a deranged lunatic...
i bid thee farewell...