Friday, October 30, 2009

social networking

generation y is so tech savvy and dependent on technology that the majority of our time and communication is spent on our computers or mobile phones.

We get home from school and then we turn on our computer.
We update our facebook status.
We comment on other poeple's facebook status'.
We update our myspace page.
We update our bebo page.
We tweet on twitter.
We reply to other people's tweets.
We update our blog.
We read and comment on other people's blogs.
We log into msn.
We log into skype.
We log into ventrilo.
We read our text messages.
We reply to our text messages.

we do so much that gives insight to our lives and yet there is little face to face communication. there is the odd voice conversation via skype or phone but that's it.

there is little that we do with other people without the technological middleman and i think that is one of the downsides of our generation.

from a deranged lunatic...
i bid thee farewell...

1 comment:

­ said...

Posting here because cbox has character limits.

It's a bit hard to avoid the whole man-in-the-middle issue in regards to communication. When you think about older things like letters or telegrams it's the same process: human on each end, technology in the middle.

It just so happens that nowadays we have such advanced technology and so much of it that most of the methods of communication we do have use these types of technology as the middle-man.

If we didn't have these devices in the middle there's be no way of communicating with each other aside from direct person to person contact; which means anything after the hours of 8:30 in the morning to 3:10 in the afternoon will become increasingly hard to organise.

I think it's good that we have all of these things that allow us to communicate with our friends, but sometimes the sheer diversity of places where you can do this just makes it increasingly difficult to actually communicate.

probably was going to write something else here but I am on the verge of falling asleep at my keyboard