Saturday, September 6, 2008

HTML and assumptions

ok... so like for the past couple of days i have like been up all night (ie. 1am - 2am )trying to learn HTML

Why? because i feel like it.

Why am i telling you this? because it is like totally freakin' awsome!!!

Cheack this out

and other random stuff...

back to my "intellectual" blogs that i have previously known for.

You know what i find weird about society these days (and when i say "society" i mean "my friends" and when i say "these days" i mean the "fifteen years i have been on this planet")... is that people hold many assumptions about people due to various characteristic attributes.

For example some time ago I was talking to Smokey and Chase one day about chocolate. (i think Stein and Smokeys sister[doesn't have a nickname so smokeys sister will do] were there aswell... but i can't remember)

we were conversing about our favorite brands of chocolate and i so happened to say that my favorite was Hershey's. Then they had the audacity to say the only reason i like hearshey's is because it's American. I think i would know why i like something. I mean seriously, just because I have an American accent and i like the NBA doesn't mean my life is centered around the "do's and do not's" of America. I mean it's called being filo, it is in my blood.

Now see they made the assumption that i like hershey's because i "want to be american" (which i don't) and just like totally forgoed the theory that i might just like it because it taste good.

I would be hypocritical if i said i don't do it myself, but i just think that the world be a better place if we didn't.

P.S. as i was reading over this, i just realized that i say "like" and "totally" a lot.

from a deranged lunatic...
i bid you farewell...

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