Sunday, September 27, 2009

BH Bubble

So I have been studying for the past couple of hours and I felt like I needed a break.

For those who don't know i have my yearly examinations in 3 weeks time. And I know that 3 weeks prior to the exam week seems abit early to start studying especially seeing as how I have two weeks of holidays to do said studying in, but alas it seems that I will be losing abit over 7 days of those two weeks due to a camp that I am attending. So I decided to make up for the loss time with some studying now.

This got me thinking about a conversation I've had quite a couple of times with my friends maybe even some other people too.


If you go to my school for a while and you watch a tv show or a movie which is set in a high school, you'd think that they are overexaggerating everything. What with all the students drinking and taking drugs and having all-out brawls in the playground. You'd say, "that doesn't happen in highschool," and you'd be right. It doesn't happen in BH High school, but it does pretty much in most other highschools.

In BHHS, you don't experience high school like many other people. You focus on your studies or train in the sporting event that you represent the school/district/region/state/nation in. You can't go to you're friends house for and hour beause you 45 minutes away from them and you parents can't be bothered to drive you. You actually pay attention in class and fight the teacher to give you that extra mark that gives you 90%. You spend the lunchtime after that maths test discussing with your friend what answer they put. You spend your free time, couped up in your room infront of your computer trying to finish that assignment due while your next-door neighbour is out with thier friends partying the night away.

BHHS is not the normal highschool experience, but I don't know whether that is a good thing or not.

NB: the real name of the high school is left annonymous due to a certain principal who is addament about the school name appearing anywere on the internet unless it is an approved school promotional or educational website.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Parents are so aggravating!!!

They ask you something - you answer
they don't like your answer - they ask again

I hate it when they go all bi-polar on you.

you walk away - they tell you to not walk away from them
you stay to make sure they have nothing more to say (you learn from experience) - they berate you for not going already.


They tell me our internet is almost capped. they tell me to stop downloading. THEIR THE ONE ON FB 24/7

This is why punk rock is the best invention in the world!!! THANK YOU THE RAMONES!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

!@#$ promises

so as you can tell I suck at keeping promises and deadlines and such.

the only reason I'm actually updating this is because if can't be stuffed to do my English essay which i promised Mr Brotherford that i would hand in last week. though i still win seeing as how i wasn't at school the past week for him to nag me due to work experience and i won't be in English on Monday and Tuesday because i have to "teach" little kiddies how to swim as part of my sport science class. the good news is that i miss out on school. the bad news is that i suck at swimming. sucks to be my students then huh.

but really the point of this is to NEVER make any promises. It's because no one can keep them. I mean NO ONE!

Your probably saying there is that one person you know that ALWAYS keeps their promises and are so reliable. LIES!!!

I'm onto those people. No one can keep all their promises, and those people who you think do are just really good at illusions.

see what they do can be a multiple of things:

one of the more obvious ones is manipulation. the manipulate the promesee that they did not in fact promise what ever they said.

another one is that strategically pick what promises to keep. as in the pick which people they will keep their promises. What happens is that is you pick the right people to keep your promises to and the right people to break them, then your reputation remains untarnished. The right people to keep them may be high authority figures or "contacts" that appreciate people with a solid 'word'. The right people to brake promises to would be those who don't care about the broken promises or don't care enough to gossip about the fact that you broke said promise. though you could probably classify this as manipulation, just a different form from above.
^^ the point of that was not to teach you how to manipulate people ^^

the point is all people are manipulative and unreliable sometimes when it comes promises so stop dogging me about updating a blog about my life that would just serve as a way for you guys to procrastinate not doing something you probably promised someone.

from a derange lunatic...
i bid thee farewell