Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gone are the Days of Insomnia

Now with school right on our doorstep comes a time of:

> catching up with our bestest friends which we never gave time up to see during the summer

> retelling tales of our endevours to said friends who aren't worth our time

> returing to our normal sleeping pattern (12am - 6am)

> gossiping about the latest news (which we had sworn off doing during or isolation)

> bitching about our english teachers who believe that valgate is another term for valgar.

> finding new ways to fight the establishment with various miniscule modifications to the way we wear our uniform. (LONG LIVE THE USE OF KNEE HIGH BLACK SOCKS!)

> skipping school and not explaining, only to have your report inform us that you have infact explained everyone of your 27 absences

> haveing a full pencil case at the begining only to find it decreasing and increasing with the loss of loved writing implements and the obtainment of others lost property.

> conveniently forgetting where your class is and rocking up 20mins late. (though once it gets towards the 2nd semester, teachers may find this activity to be suspicious)

> buying overpriced "healthy" food in the canteen. (what gets to me is that the "healthy" alternative to Coke is Coke zero but they still sell original Coke but only to a select few. they hide them under the counter and only get them out when inquired by teacher.)

from a deranged lunatic...
i bid thee farewell...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Occupational hazard

The other day I had to go to the dentist for my annual cleaning with my two brothers.

I hate going to the dentist. It feels like and invasion of privacy. They probe all these sharp instruments into my mouth. Sometimes they blatantly disregard our comfort. Every once and a while I feel an instrument go against my gums in an uncomfortable manner and I can’t say anything about it. (1. because they won’t listen to me anyway. 2. I can’t really talk while the have their hand in my mouth.) I believe those occasions to be deliberate, or it could just be my abhorrence of their profession. But this is all beside the point.

Whist at the dentist, the dentist kept asking us, which one of us was going to be a dentist. I don’t know how many times I gad said, but they were insistent on promoting their profession.

This reminds of every other adult. They all seem to try and get us to be like them, especially our parents.

Have you noticed how many children follow their parent’s profession?

(Forgive my generalization alike in my previous posts)

If you were to ask some doctors and lawyers what were there parents professions, most of them would say doctors and lawyers respectively. Now some people actually like being said professions but there are those who do it because they have to.

Then there are those entrepreneur’s who own their own business with the name “Johnson and sons.” Now that implies you have to go into the family business.

Now all I’m saying is WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS!!!

We don’t need our parents or dentists to tell us what to do.


From a deranged lunatic…

I bid thee farewell…

Monday, January 19, 2009

Two Different Colored Socks

So I haven't been able to blog on the 17th because since Friday I was at Port Macquarie. We only just got back last night, so I'm making up for it now.

While we were there we passed by a shop called Zocalo. In the shop they sold various jewelries specifically those which star a variety of gems and stones. More importantly, within the centre of the shop was a stand which held a range of stones in their natural form (i.e. not attached to jewelry) and a description of what the do.

There were many baskets filled with a certain stone. Some had claimed to help with weight-loss, stress, concentration, and a diverse array of other “problems” people might encounter and would like help with. I was thinking who would actually buy these things.

And it got my thinking.

We all believe in little things that we can’t explain, (And no I am not talking about religion), we all have these little quirks or lucky charms that we have/do as a sort of safety mechanism.

For some it might be an article of clothing that we wear or occasions to give us luck or confidence. Others may have rituals that they do before they perform an activity. For example before I sit down on the ground I always do this little circle thing (like a dog) around the spot I sit down. I don’t know why I do it, just that I do (but only after a couple of my friends pointed it out for me)

I have this one friend who listens to “Let’s get it started” by the Black Eyed Peas before every b-ball game she plays, and this other friend who always wears her lucky bracelet before a test.

So just for the fun of it, I thought I would try it out. I bought two different stones.
A howlite, which is said to absorb anger, aid calm communication, relieve insomnia (because we all know I really need that) and strengthens memory (again, a necessity).
I also purchased a chevron amethyst, which is believed to stimulate creativity and intuition, and help resolved anxiety. (The real motive for purchasing the later stone was because I like color purple. <_<>

But anyways, we’ll see how things pan out. Who knows, I might actually get more than 4 hours of sleep tonight.

From a deranged lunatic…
I bid thee farewell…

N.B. i got the idea for the title when i was watching iCarly. In the episode iChristmas, Carly reveals that Sam wears two different colored socks to bed since she was little because she thought it was good luck.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bordom and life goals

In continuation with my previous entry, holidays are really boring.

It has come to my attention that with said boredom, I am sort of productive.

During recent holidays I have made it a mission to learn miscellaneous facts, if you will. In previous periods of boredom I have learnt various tricks which are performed with poker chips. I also spent some time learning all the states of America and their respective capitols.

I am currently trying to learn the entire populate which is president’s of the United States of America. Including the dates in which they were in office and various historical events that happened because and during their time in office. This is proving to be difficult as I do not respond well to large blocks of information and have yet to find a game which can teach me. (Reference to how I learnt the states and capitols of USA).

It has recently become a habit of mine to go running when I’m bored.

What I find to be my greatest achievement’s that has produced from being bored all the time is my ability to play guitar. One Christmas, I asked for a guitar, and I got one, ever since I have been teaching my self how to play. It had been one of my many life goals and it has given me a sense of accomplishment.

With my never ending boredom, I have found ways to carry out my life goals…

Completed tasks are marked with an [x]

  1. Live in Canada for a minimum of 6 months. (probably in Toronto, Ontario)
  2. Learn how to play guitar [x]
  3. Serve in the military (with my dad wanting my to go to Duntroon, should complete this task by 2012)
  4. Learn the art of card counting [x] (the concept itself is pretty simple enough)
  5. Perfect the art of card counting (wherein lies the rough)
  6. Fly a plane [x] (that is if you count airborne microlights as planes)
  7. Ride a horse [x] (albeit I was 7 at the time)
  8. Buy a motorcycle
  9. Live in Anaheim (best city ever! For those not in the know. Anaheim is situated in Orange County, California. Home of Disneyland, Universal Studios and the Anaheim Ducks)
  10. Beat Maggie in something/anything [x] I beat her in PDHPE last year
  11. Buy one hundred tubs of Haagen-Dazs (got 97 to go... BEST ICE CREAM EVER!!!)
  12. Watch the Toronto maple leafs live (gotta love the NHL)
  13. Go to Las Vegas
  14. Go backpacking across Europe
  15. Perform CPR on a person that needs it (and not some plastic dummy or some guy who wants some lip action)
  16. Start a round of applause [x] (gotta love Monday morning assemblies)
  17. Learn Esperanto (felt like learning a language, why not the universal one… the other universal, seeing as I already know English)
  18. Go to six flags in Gurnee, Illinois, USA and ride the Iron wolf (stand-up coaster)
  19. learn html [x] (tried once. Got bored soon after. Plus memory is a bit dodgy so it was harder than needed)
  20. learn java script
  21. find more life goals


From a deranged lunatic…

I bid thee farewell…

Friday, January 9, 2009

Holiday Hype

Have you noticed how every time the end of a school term looms closer, everyone gets hyped up about the school holidays. We all just can’t wait for school to end.

But alas when the widely anticipated event does actually appear we all can’t wait for school to start up again… or maybe it’s just me.

I love school. And no it is not because I’m some nerd who always does their homework and never gets detentions.

It’s quite the opposite. I never do my homework, and then there was that time I got caught truanting, and people started to think I was going out with Matt… but that’s a whole other story which I’ll probably never get to mentioning.

But anyways, back to the topic.

I love school because:

a) All my friends (well not all my friends. I do have other friends outside of school you know. I’m not some loser who just doesn't have a life.) So some of my friends are at school, I see them almost everyday and life is good.

2. It doesn't cost any money (except for the overpriced canteens, because stupid people in my grade think it is fun stealing.) Why waste $12.50 on movie you could probably download off the Internet just to spend 2 hours with a couple of friends which you won’t even talk to because you are watching a movie. Whereas at school you can talk to you friends and watch a movie at the same time without irritating someone because no one else is watching whatever outdated history show is on because the teacher couldn't be stuffed teaching anything. (That is unless you’re watching Black Adder/family guy/futurama… man I love my history teacher)

(iii) It is something to do!

Apart from the little “vacations” that your parents force you to go on because they are finally realizing that you are growing up and going to leave soon so they want to make the best out of your time together by sending you off to some campsite for a weekend and getting bitten by bugs, but are sometimes good when family decide to ship over some graham crackers so we make some awesome s’mores or when the family forgoes the camping idea all together and decide to go to some major city like Melbourne or Gold Coast and gives us money and lets us roam around which is all good until we use up all the money in the first day and then they go all postal on us and decide that they are never going to do that again but the next year they cave; and the expensive “outings” that you plan with your friends to meet up with each other, there is nothing else to do during the holidays. (^^ 171 words ^^)

What I find odd about the holidays is that even with nothing to do, we still find a way to stay up at all hours of the night (though not that hard for some, like a budding insomniac like myself).

I get so bored during the day and yet I can’t find myself to utilize that time to catch up on some Z’s.


From a BORED, deranged lunatic…

I bid thee farewell…

Monday, January 5, 2009


So you know in primary school, you make meet people that you think you are going to be best friends forever and that you will never change. But then you get into high school.

It's like those cliched teen movies where a group of 2 to 4 people, of varied combinations of genders, meet at an age between 4 and 8 and decide that they are gonna to be friends forever. Somewhere along the way one of said members of the group ends up having a crush on one of the other members (this is mainly within a covenant which has members of both genders, though same-sex couples do apply).

Then they get into high school. At this point one or more of the constituents (if not all) get pulled into the apparent social high school norm, also known as cliques. then toward their senior year, they have all seen the error of their ways and become friends again. at which they vow to be friends forever...again.

but the the talent of writers, or lack thereof, is not at liberty here.

it is the fact that people change.

I had a 'reunion' of sorts today. in all eight people attended. most of which i haven't seen in 3 years.

And it got me thinking of my friends which i have know for several years now and how they have changed. some of which haven't changed... a lot, which i can be grateful for, but that comes and goes on a case-by-case basis.

We all adapt to our surroundings. how those who have known us since before said adaption can take it however way they want, but we all change.

we can't help it. but sometimes we like to hold onto the image of our childhood best friend for as long as we can.

From a deranged lunatic...
I bid you farewell...

Thursday, January 1, 2009


You know when you have start worrying about your future when you father starts planning for you to go to Duntroon (for those not in the know, Duntroon is referring to the "Royal Military College" situated in Duntroon, ACT, Australia)

This made me think about the rest of my future, which got me thinking about today.

Today is:
> 01/01/09
> 1st of January 2009
> The first day of 2009
> New years day

Now as we all know, many hold various traditions for when heralding the New Year. There a various activity that people conform to for the upcoming festivities. There is a lot of preparation made for the various events prior to the New Year.

But there is no set thing that is done on New Years day.

But alas, I was brought into the light and it was revealed to me.

We think about the future, more so than the duration of New Years Eve. For many, December is the time to look back at the year we have lived. And January is a time to look forward.

It is like school. At the end of the year we think about how the time had just flown by and we try to keep the memories that we created that year. But in January it feels as if time couldn’t have passed by slower. Just like some people say, “A watched pot never boils”.

New Years Day makes us think about what will happen for the rest of the year, and the rest of our lives. New Years Eve is a day to look at short-term differences we can make in our lives. New Years Day is long-term.

Throughout the day I thought about what I’m going to do in college (even though it is 3 years away). What college I am going to, if it be RMC. And then is all the “girly stuff”, such as whether or not I want to get married, what I would name my children, etc.

New Years Day reveals to us what we really want in our lives.

Now all we have to do is make as many New Years resolutions (and uphold them) to make sure we get what we want in life.

From a deranged lunatic…
I bid you farewell…