Friday, January 9, 2009

Holiday Hype

Have you noticed how every time the end of a school term looms closer, everyone gets hyped up about the school holidays. We all just can’t wait for school to end.

But alas when the widely anticipated event does actually appear we all can’t wait for school to start up again… or maybe it’s just me.

I love school. And no it is not because I’m some nerd who always does their homework and never gets detentions.

It’s quite the opposite. I never do my homework, and then there was that time I got caught truanting, and people started to think I was going out with Matt… but that’s a whole other story which I’ll probably never get to mentioning.

But anyways, back to the topic.

I love school because:

a) All my friends (well not all my friends. I do have other friends outside of school you know. I’m not some loser who just doesn't have a life.) So some of my friends are at school, I see them almost everyday and life is good.

2. It doesn't cost any money (except for the overpriced canteens, because stupid people in my grade think it is fun stealing.) Why waste $12.50 on movie you could probably download off the Internet just to spend 2 hours with a couple of friends which you won’t even talk to because you are watching a movie. Whereas at school you can talk to you friends and watch a movie at the same time without irritating someone because no one else is watching whatever outdated history show is on because the teacher couldn't be stuffed teaching anything. (That is unless you’re watching Black Adder/family guy/futurama… man I love my history teacher)

(iii) It is something to do!

Apart from the little “vacations” that your parents force you to go on because they are finally realizing that you are growing up and going to leave soon so they want to make the best out of your time together by sending you off to some campsite for a weekend and getting bitten by bugs, but are sometimes good when family decide to ship over some graham crackers so we make some awesome s’mores or when the family forgoes the camping idea all together and decide to go to some major city like Melbourne or Gold Coast and gives us money and lets us roam around which is all good until we use up all the money in the first day and then they go all postal on us and decide that they are never going to do that again but the next year they cave; and the expensive “outings” that you plan with your friends to meet up with each other, there is nothing else to do during the holidays. (^^ 171 words ^^)

What I find odd about the holidays is that even with nothing to do, we still find a way to stay up at all hours of the night (though not that hard for some, like a budding insomniac like myself).

I get so bored during the day and yet I can’t find myself to utilize that time to catch up on some Z’s.


From a BORED, deranged lunatic…

I bid thee farewell…

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