Friday, January 23, 2009

Occupational hazard

The other day I had to go to the dentist for my annual cleaning with my two brothers.

I hate going to the dentist. It feels like and invasion of privacy. They probe all these sharp instruments into my mouth. Sometimes they blatantly disregard our comfort. Every once and a while I feel an instrument go against my gums in an uncomfortable manner and I can’t say anything about it. (1. because they won’t listen to me anyway. 2. I can’t really talk while the have their hand in my mouth.) I believe those occasions to be deliberate, or it could just be my abhorrence of their profession. But this is all beside the point.

Whist at the dentist, the dentist kept asking us, which one of us was going to be a dentist. I don’t know how many times I gad said, but they were insistent on promoting their profession.

This reminds of every other adult. They all seem to try and get us to be like them, especially our parents.

Have you noticed how many children follow their parent’s profession?

(Forgive my generalization alike in my previous posts)

If you were to ask some doctors and lawyers what were there parents professions, most of them would say doctors and lawyers respectively. Now some people actually like being said professions but there are those who do it because they have to.

Then there are those entrepreneur’s who own their own business with the name “Johnson and sons.” Now that implies you have to go into the family business.

Now all I’m saying is WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS!!!

We don’t need our parents or dentists to tell us what to do.


From a deranged lunatic…

I bid thee farewell…


­ said...

They're just trying to make conversation. Imagine if you were a dentist... Stuck in a clinical white office, blasting UV rays onto people's faces, consistently being forced to probe your thinly-latexex hands into someone's revolting face-orifice. It's no wonder that they're said to have the highest (or second highest, not sure where Postal workers stand) amount of job dissatisfaction.

The idea that Dentists are most dissatisfied makes me wonder about those of us who deal with sewage treatment, however.

­ said...

Oh also, apparently it's been proven scientifically or something like that that you're most likely to get a job or follow a career path that loosely resembles your parents. So for example, if one is\both are geologists you're most likely to go into another branch of science; rather than, say, music or dance.