Thursday, July 17, 2008

Good Place

You know you're in a good place in your friendship when you find yourself straddling that person without any awkwardness. (then again there was some awkwardness as Dick and Smokey were there to witness it, but that is beside the point as there were no awkwardness between me and Theo which my whole point in the first place)

Many people say that guys and girls can't be great friends it just leads to either sexual tensions that are oblivious to both parties, one-sided want of a more-than-platonic-relationship, or they stop being friends and become more. I say hell to the expectations of society! (or my friends for that matter) Why can't people just get it through their minds that we are just friends!!! (not that future evolution is unwanted - my frustration is toward the fact that people make assume things, wheather they are true or not is beside the point)

Anyway back the point...

I find it that if you feel like you can do anything around each other (or in my case actually doing it. see above) then you are in a great point in your friendship with one of the opposite sex. I take pride in the evolution of our friendship and i hope that it will last forever and continue to grow in a relationship anyone can be proud of.

From a deranged lunatic... i bid you farewell

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