Saturday, July 19, 2008


President Calvin Coolidge once said:
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
... now sometimes persistence doesn't help. I mean if I take this morning for example. My ever loving mother was very insistent on my cleaning up my room. I mean seriously how is repeatedly yelling, "clean your room!" going to solve the problems of society... It's not! So sorry madre but i believe that my time is better utilized doing things that will better man kind
i.e surfing the net - knowledge = good job = status = power to effect humanity
ergo helping solve the problems of the human race.
I refuse to called lazy!
(then again i really have a short attention span and get really bored anyway... but that was my back up excuse)

While you started to read the beginning of this rant you may have been assuming it was going to be like my earlier blogs that gives some intellectual insight to the world as I see it. I assure you will be disappointed. (... and shame on you for making assumptions... they never really work out anyway) This entry was just a way to rave on about how my mothers constant nagging is very irritating while using a quote from a past president of the United States.

I find taking the simplest things and explaining them in a manner that is highly "sophisticated" quite amusing and the source of endless laughs.

Like this one time at camp, my best friend lost her voice halfway through. For everything that she wanted to say to people, she would tell me and i would relay it to them, which i found to be a very amusing task. For everything she said i would relay it in a formal manner and would take me for ever to relay the messages. She would get so mad at me (the source of my amusement) and couldn't tell me off for it as she couldn't speak loud enough.
For example when she asked me to ask one of the other campers if she could borrow a pen, my relayed message was this:
"I have been requested by a client who would wish to remain anonymous for legal reasons (she was standing right next to me at the time) if they may, for a certain time period have unlimited access to certain objects of a calligraphy kind"
By that point i was bursting in laughter and my lawyer like faced, erased. Whereas my best friend was so red from anger and tired form hitting me and stomping her feet, trying to get me to hurry along.

Ahhh good times, good times.

Anyways that is the end of my rant...

From a deranged lunatic... i bid you farewell

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