Thursday, July 24, 2008


My Lil' bro told me this blonde joke the other day (no offence to any blond's)

A blonde was going to Manhattan.
She went up to the ticket person and asked for an economy ticket.
After some time here plane was boarding.
When she got on the plane she sat down in First class.

Soon an flight attendant came up to her and told her that she would have to move to economy class as that was what she paid for.
the blonde replied "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, and I'm not going anywhere!"

So then the flight attendant went into the cock-pit and told the pilots what was wrong.
The co-pilot said that he was going to take care of it.
After ten minutes the co-pilot came back into the cock-pit.
"she's blonde and she's not goin anywhere!"

"she blonde!" this time it was the pilot that spoke up. "why didn't you tell me this before! I'm, married to a blonde and I can speak blonde", he spoke as he left the cock-pit.

After another ten minutes the pilot returned and informed them that the blonde had moved to economy class.
In amazement the co-pilot and flight attendant asked him what he said.
As he walked back into his seat he replied...

"I told her, first class isn't going to Manhattan"

Now what i find weird is how some people take stereotypes very seriously. Stereotypes are just ways to poke fun at people. It's just like racism... Now that i think of it... it IS racism.

Stereotypes are just broader varieties of racist jokes because they include hair colour, gender, etc.

This reminded me of the song "everyone's a little bit racist" by Avenue Q (if you haven't heard it... I really recommend it. It's hilarious. I also recommend "the Internet is for porn" by the same people.)

... Anyway back to the point. I don't get why blondes take offence to blonde jokes, because that is what they are... JOKES. I also find it hypocritical how they find it offencive when they tell racist jokes (or "reveal certain character flaws that associate with a certain trait" as one of my friends puts it")

I would just like to say that it is true everyone IS a little bit racist.

I'm not saying being racist or make jokes/comments pertaining to certain groups of people is a good thing... It's just that we all do it... so don't make too much of a fuss about it.

From a deranged lunatic... I bid you farewell

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